Why no fertilizer can beat BIOHUMUS!
The problem is, it is extremely difficult to get the right amount of nutrients. The efficiency of mineral nitrogen uptake in general is less then 50%! Already a little bit too much fertilizer pollutes ground and surface water through nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide,[ a greenhouse gas, which is 300 times more damaging than carbon dioxide]. The microbes in the soil are harmed by the fertilizer itself and are not fed by plant root exudates, as long, as there is unnatural nutrient available. The plants are forced to use this nitrate in the soil, which results in high nitrate level in plant biomass.
But nature shows us what is needed for healthy, strong plants: The natural cycle including BIOHUMUS!

We do not use animal by-products, industrial organic waste or separated kitchen waste. This pays off: VERMIGRAND BIOHUMUS does not only contain the main nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, but also the following agents:
- a huge biodiversity of soil microbes, which is mobilizing nutrients, which were otherwise not available for the plant. The microbes also help the plant to fight diseases and boost the plant’s own immune system,
- a great number of trace elements, humic and fulvic acids, phytohormones, enzymes, amino acids etc. for promoting growth and stimulating the immune system,
- soil aggregates, which are held together by active microorganisms, help to store water and keep enough air in the soil. They also provide space for roots and soil life.
If the nutrients are already provided as a soluble salt, the plant does not have any reason to feed the microbes. The microbial diversity is weakened. Even if the plant is growing faster, it is becoming weak and is not able to defend itself against diseases and pests. It is the same situation with humans, if we only eat fast food, we are getting big, but at the same time more vulnerable to common diseases of civilisation.
BIOHUMUS helps to reverse this process and re-activates the communication between plants and the soil microbes. This brings back the all important soil life.